Venatio - Hannibal meets Cleopatra

In the golden halls of Cleopatra's palace, the Queen of Egypt sat upon her ornate throne, radiating regal elegance. The room was filled with an air of power and authority, as courtiers and servants bustled about, ensuring that all was in order. Little did anyone know that fate was about to take an unexpected turn.

As Cleopatra commanded the attention of her subjects, a hush fell over the room. The grand doors swung open, revealing the towering figure of Hannibal, the renowned Carthaginian general. Hannibal, driven by ambition and a desire to gain control over the mighty Egyptian army, had come to seek Cleopatra's hand in marriage. Behind him, to the astonishment of all, followed three small creatures unlike anything ever seen before.

🎨🦕 Hannibal meets Cleopatra in my latest artwork from the Venatio series.

Venatio - Hannibal meets Cleopatra

Venatio - Hannibal meets Cleopatra

b&w comp sketch / final image

b&w comp sketch / final image


